Pilates classes and one to one

Pilates classes currently taking place in:

  • Egham, Englefield Green and Virginia Water, Surrey

As well as general Pilates classes, I also run specialist classes or one to one sessions for antenatal, the over 60s and those with osteoporosis.


Pilates classes in Englefield Green, Surrey, TW20

Wednesday 7pm | Intermediate and Advanced Pilates

Clarisa Ayllon Studio, Englefield Green | 1 hour | Info

Fascial stretching - Move To Release - STARTING SOON

Clarisa Ayllon Studio, Englefield Green | 1 hour | Info

Pilates for osteoporosis and spinal issues - STARTING SOON

Clarisa Ayllon Studio, Englefield Green | 1 hour | Info

Private instruction

Virginia Water | 1 hour

Pilates for the over 60s

I am a chartered Physiotherapist and APPI certified Pilates instructor with a special interest in this age group.

My Pilates for over 60’s is a special class targeting those who have never exercised before, and would have never dared join a class, as they were worried about their physical limitations. Many are now truly ‘hooked ‘on Pilates, and have been coming regularly for years (some 10 years). I wonder if this is due to the Pilates or the social/coffee that follows!

All exercises can be modified to accommodate limitations due to arthritis, osteoporosis, or any other restrictions. Work at your own pace in a gentle, relaxed and friendly class (max 8 participants).

Incorporate the Pilates principles and technique while improving your posture, stability, flexibility and strength.

You may also be interested in reading how physiotherapy and fascial release can help older people decrease or manage their pain whilst increasing their activity levels. Click here to read more about elderly care, physiotherapy and rehabilitation.

Pilates classes for the over 60s

Pilates classes for osteoporosis

Pilates for osteoporosis

At least one in four woman over 50 is silently suffering from osteoporosis! Could it be you? There are many factors which determine your risk and therefore, until you have broken a bone, or have had a bone density scan, you are unlikely to know if you are at risk, or not.

I have long had an interest in osteoporosis and am concerned with the risk of injury in class. I have researched the latest guidelines for exercises and osteoporosis and attended relevant courses.

In my classes, I ensure that all the exercises are safe and in line with current guidelines. I also take care to include some bone building exercises in every class, especially for the areas most at risk of bone loss such as wrists, hips and upper backs.

if you have suffered from a fragility fracture, it is vital that you inform me prior to class. You may also find it more suitable to join a specialised class.

Antenatal pilates

Keeping supple and strong while paying special attention to your pelvic floor will serve you well during pregnancy.

After delivery, you are welcome to join any class once you have had your 6 weeks clearance check.

If new to Pilates, you will be required to fill in a questionnaire, taking detailed medical history. During the assessment you will cover the principles of pilates and practice some of the key exercises so you know what to expect, and how it should feel when performed correctly so you can get the best out of your classes.

It is important to discuss any concerns such as pelvic pain or a diastasis recti during the assessment or prior to joining a class.

Click here for a separate page specifically about antenatal pilates 

Antenatal pilates classes

Pilates classes one to one

One to one pilates instruction

If you are new to Pilates, it is often very useful to have some individual input in order to ensure you get the most out of Pilates.

Pilates may look easy but it requires concentration. Precision in movement is one of the key elements and benefits of Pilates. There is a lot to take in at once. While some take to it with ease, many find it useful to have full attention during the session in order to ensure good understanding of the technique and reinforce correct patterns of movement. It also enables progression at a pace which is safe and comfortable.

Depending on your body awareness, and your level of fitness, you may require any amount of individual sessions. While some find that one session is enough to put them on the right track, others will need further sessions to feel confident prior to joining a class. Some prefer the comfort of their home or may feel that they have specific needs which would be best met on a 1:1 basis and may wish to continue individually long term.

If you have the space at home, it is also possible to arrange a mini ‘class’ with your spouse or a couple of friends and a time which fits in with you.

If you would like to talk about whether my Pilates classes are suitable for you, please send me a message and I’ll call you back.

Yes please… call me back