Women’s Health
Did you know that fascial release can help with issues like urinary incontinence, urgency or frequency, pelvic organ prolapse, or even painful intercourse?
Understanding women-specific health issues
Learning to activate pelvic floor muscles correctly and efficiently can help in combating these issues, but it’s only part of the healing.
Occasionally women may find it difficult to activate these important muscles due to scar tissue or fascial restrictions which may be trapping the nerves, impairing the messages from nerves to the muscles. The restrictions may also be pulling your bladder, urethra or rectum out of alignment resulting in a prolapse (POP).
Difficult deliveries, vaginal tears, episiotomies, caesarean sections, laparoscopies, hysterectomies or any pelvic surgery, as well conditions such as fibroids or other pelvic inflammatory conditions, unless treated, are likely to result in fascial restrictions, and in some cases, extensive scarring, causing major discomfort in everyday life.
Physical and/or emotional trauma to the pelvis area adds an important element which is rarely acknowledged yet important to address.

Breast surgery scars and lymph oedema, painful intercourse, or a history of sexual abuse are often too painful and private to talk about yet may cause serious ongoing suffering.
Myofascial release (MFR) is a very gentle yet potent hands on treatment aimed at releasing restrictions in the connective tissue (fascia), creating softness and flow in the tissue.
Releasing a restriction actually changes solidified structures (called ground substance or interstitial fluid) from a gel or solid state back to a fluid state-its original texture. This change to the environment surrounding the cells, enables the cells to eliminate toxins, access nutrition and hydration thus allowing the cells to heal. During this process, important chemicals- Interleukin 8 (anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agent) and interleukin 3 (immune system booster) are released, supporting the body’s healing.
Releasing the tightness and pull in the tissue will allow the fascia to bounce back to its original form. This will free pain sensitive tissue such as nerves and blood vessels, which have been trapped in the surrounding fascia and restore the muscle’s ability to contract normally, thus reducing pain, improving circulation and restoring function and health.
As the fascia is a 3D spider web like structure, which connects to every cell in the body- changes in one area will have an impact on other areas in the body (eg. restrictions in the pelvic floor may be responsible for some types of prolapse, for headaches, back pain, hip stiffness or pain, tummy pain and more!)

Myo-gynae release is often referred to as ‘internal release’ and is performed via the vagina or anus in order to access the internal structures and scars. It is a very gentle treatment. Extra care is taken to make it as relaxed, reassuring and as comfortable for you as possible.
Communicating any concerns or discomfort before and during treatment is essential.
Myofascial release, and internal (vaginal) release may help with a wide range of symptoms, such as:
- Menstrual problems
- Pelvic adhesions
- Some infertility problems
- Coccygeal pain
- Vulvodynia
- Interstitial Cystitis
- Fibromyalgia
- Painful scars
- Pelvic floor pain and dysfunction
- Painful intercourse
- Episiotomy scars
- Problematic breast implants or breast reduction scars
- Mastectomy pain
- Lymphoedema
A gentle, sensitive and confidential approach by an experienced therapist is essential to your healing.
Please call me on 07906 403 259 to discuss your issues, in confidence, prior to booking a session.
*You will be asked to sign a separate consent form for internal treatment prior to receiving treatment. You can view a copy of this form in advance by clicking the link below. A printed version will be handed to you at the time of your appointment to sign and date.
View Informed Consent Form